Septic Repair 101: What Are the Most Common Causes of Septic System Problems?

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At Sewer & Drain Medic, we have been offering quality septic services in the Wilmington, North Carolina area since 2006. Probably our most frequently provided service during this time has been septic repair. This is mainly because septic issues are not easy to notice until they get pretty serious. Furthermore, these problems are usually caused by other underlying issues that may not be evident without a professional inspection.

Septic Repair 101: What Are the Most Common Causes of Septic System Problems?

So, when you call us for septic repair or maintenance, we’ll check a few common things in your septic system that might be causing you problems. These include:

  • Plumbing backups. Plumbing backups occur when the waste pipes leading to your septic tank or drain field become clogged or blocked. Backups are pretty common at bellies, where your pipes make corners or meet at junctions and low spots. Alternatively, they may be caused by tree roots infiltrating your pipes and causing a blockage.
  • Leaks. Leaks are another common cause of septic problems. They occur when your pipes are corroded or damaged or your septic tank has a crack. Leaks are typically easy to detect because the pooling of leaked sewage or a bad odor usually accompanies them. Nevertheless, you’ll need professional septic repair to identify where the leak is coming from and fix it.
  • Malfunctioning drain field. When your drain field can no longer disperse effluent evenly, you might notice wet spots or pools of wastewater in your yard. This is usually a sign that your drain field is oversaturated with effluent or its soil is not absorbent enough. In both cases, septic repair might be necessary to rejuvenate the drain field.

Regular inspections and maintenance are the best ways to prevent these issues from escalating your septic problems. Get in touch with us today and get a free estimate for all your septic service needs.