One of the most important aspects of maintaining your septic system is having routine septic inspections. Even when everything appears to be working just fine, there may be issues that you aren’t aware of. Instead of waiting for the worst-case scenario to happen, it’s best to hire an experienced professional to inspect the septic system. This way, you can catch issues well in advance before any severe damage occurs.
What Can You Expect from Septic Inspections?
Comprehensive septic inspections will ensure that no issues go unnoticed. During this inspection, several things will happen. The first step is for the inspector to locate the septic tank, distribution box, and leach field. They will open the septic tank and check the liquid level to make sure it isn’t too full or leaking. If the levels are normal, the inspector will check that water is flowing from the house to the tank and then to the absorption area. Then they will pump the tank and clean it, so they can check for any cracks or other issues. Then they will perform tests to check the absorption area and make sure it can handle the home’s water use.
How Often Should You Get a Septic Inspection?
Obviously, you should get a septic inspection whenever you suspect that there’s an issue. Some signs you have a septic system problem include unpleasant odors, water that drains slowly, and standing water near the septic tank. In addition, we recommend that you have septic inspections every 1-3 years even if you don’t notice any issues.
If your home or property is due for a septic inspection, give us a call at Sewer & Drain Medic.